14 August, 2010


We know that confusion is not from our Lord.  Actually the Bible states that our God is a God of order and a God of peace.  I wasted several years by going back and forth in dieting.  I would think thoughts like these:   "Okay, I am going to lose this weight once and for all by doing low carb, etc.   I would then go to the grocery store and buy the food that was necessary for that particular diet plan.  I would then be on my way with that particular plan that I fancied at that time.  I would usually last about one week  and then I would cheat.    It was that "just one bite" that usually got me!!

Then came in this thought "Oh well I have blown it now; I may as well eat what I want and I'll start tomorrow.  And then came the very familiar binge.    I would eat everything in sight!!! 

Then follows the sense of failure, the guilt and of course the sick feeling of overeating and knowing you have failed yourself, AGAIN.   This self-destructive pattern of confused thinking  is the very thought process that permitted a 50 pound weight gain for me over 6-7 years.

I have actually lived this same scenario over and over with all kinds of plans.  I have tried the low calorie (weight watchers) plan.  I have done the slim fast shake diet, the low carb diet (3-4 times), and the juice only diet (that one lasted about one day) and on and on it goes.

Beloved friends,  all these plans are good plans, but here is the deal.  We MUST find something we can stick with for the long haul.     I believe that God knows us far better than we know ourselves.  I truly believe that the solution to our weight loss is found in Him.  We must find God's plan for our weight loss.  He is our ever present help in time of trouble.  I had to finally decide to not heed to all the counsel of man.  I own numerous diet plan books and was unable to do any of it without God! 

I realized "Hey, this is serious stuff here; I MUST HAVE GOD on this!!

1.  PRAY and ask your Heavenly Father what He would have you do for weight loss.
2.  He is delighted to answer you!
3.  Ask Him for the strength to do it!  We can do NOTHING apart from Christ!
4.  Come to terms with the fact that food is addictive and it is no prettier an addiction  than  a drug or alcohol addiction.
5.  Once you hear from the Lord, then stay with that plan until He instructs you differently.   

The confusion that I heeded to for years was simply because all the plans were MY plans, MY solutions.  Once I really got desperate and trusted God with HIS plan, I was well on my way.

Please let me hear from you.  Can you relate to this  confusion as it relates to dieting?

Oh, by the way,  I thank God for every pound lost, knowing that I spent several years gaining and not losing when I did it my way.
Hugs & Blessings,   Pat

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen and amen. It was only with a Godly conviction that I have gotten to where I am now. God is great!!!!!


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