01 September, 2010


Hello to all my blog friends!

As you know, I began my weight loss journey by practicing Intermittent Fasting for weight loss.  My committment at that time was to eat only one meal a day.  I actually did that for a few weeks and did lose some weight and began to lose some of my obsession with food.

However, I believe the Lord is leading me to fast all sugars and highly processed carbs (fast carbs) in order to further lose this weight and gain control over the sin of gluttony. 

I plan to continue to eat one meal  a day.

I also plan to cut all sugars from my diet!!  This is true fasting for me because sugar is where my addiction lies. 

Please follow me on my weight loss journey.   I invite all comments, suggestions, encouragement and comradery.  We can do this!!

In Christ,



  1. I will join you on your journey..I am starting my own (again).I am fairly new to blogging and have decided to set one up for the purpose of weightloss and getting my BMI under control. I am close to 60 and tired of the spare tires I am carrying around my waist.My blog is called Weight No More. I'd appreciate any and all encouragement.Thank you!

  2. Hello Sunny,
    Thank you for visiting my blog! We have sooo much in common! I also want to lose weight for the glory of God as well as for my health. I look forward to following you on your journey. What plan do you think you will do for weight loss? I wish you all the best. Praying for your success. Keep me posted!
    In Christ, Pat

  3. Enjoyed your watching your video..I will see if I can figure out how to set up a weight ticker????I totally can relate to the fat around the middle. Ugh! The feeling of my blouses not fitting is the worst. I work in a library and so have to look decent..Any suggestions for attacking that area! I like Leslie Sansone walking dvd's. I like her enthusiasm..I pray for your success too...

  4. Okay, I don't know what key I pushed, but I was typing away and my comment suddenly went away. Sorry if this ends up posting twice.

    I think it is so great that you got a video for in-home walking. The hardest part is starting, but once you start you will be feeling so good!! I've really enjoyed my backyard walks.

  5. What a lovely blog you have! It is so refreshing to see so many more people out there desiring to have a healthy lifestyle ~ for the soul benefit of glorifying Him!

  6. Stopping in to say "hello" and I am thinking about you!


Your comments are invited and encouraged; we can all learn from each other!

Friends who help me along the way!